Thursday, May 14, 2009

i cant lose my wit

ah, i miss writing long blog entries. just read weiqin's latest post , was certainly pretty darn interesting! Words use to just tumble from my mouth (or rather, flow off my fingers. since i'm typing.)

But nowadays, there is just no inspiration to write. maybe i do think of random stuff sometimes, but i just dont hold on to the thoughts long enough to put them down. Maybe i should Twitter more. does anyone read what i post on Twitter? it's on the right------>
just below my tagboard.

anyway, ive been playing WoW, trying to level my character quickly. There's this bonus thing that gives me x3 experience points now, so i'm trying to make the most out of it. but i play WoW in windowed mode, so if you message me i'll still reply!

Ill be leaving for taiwan on the 28th (well 29th morning, 2.40AM flight) and coming back on 13th June. darn, will miss bestie's bday :/

oh oh, and my downpes is official! C2L1 for 6 months. lol, till nov5. ord loh.